"Nietzsche & The Politics Of Inequality"
(Primal Chaos, 1991)

"One ought not to yield to any humanitarian illusions: Truth is hard."

In nature, as in human civilization, there is order. There are those who lead and there are those who follow. There exist the clever, the strong and the weak. Regardless of how many "free," "open," or "democratic," civilizations Man may erect, this one truth shall always remain. "Injustice," wrote Nietzsche, "never lies in unequal rights. It lies in the claim to equal rights." Here this German philosopher laid down the very roots of his so-called "aristocratic radicalism."

To the people of today, this sentiment may sound like reactionary, primitive, fossil ideas from an ancient world, but these ideas are nonetheless just as true today as they were in antiquity. In the "barbaric" civilizations of Egypt, Greece and Rome there existed an aristocracy. This aristocracy maintained its position by the exploitation of the people. Through the dominance of the military the herd was kept in subservience and obedience; and what of today? What of America and its democracy?

America, too, has always had its rich and its powerful that have continually pulled the strings. This American aristocracy has put into place its own military, national guard and police force to ensure that the unwashed rabble never fully rise up in rebellion against their masters. The American middle class is the stated justification for our civilization, and the maintaining of this order and stability, but are they really more than just wage-slaves working for the higher man's welfare? These obedient cogs possess homes, automobiles, televisions, refrigerators and all of the additional conveniences, but are they really free? They are convinced that they have an important voice in choosing our government, every four years they are allowed the "right" to vote for a new leader; a leader with only their interests in mind? Reason would indicate that not many people would fall for this illusion - but they do - because, clearly, reason is not one of the things that these cretins possess.

The "pathos of distance" that Nietzsche continually spoke of, is just as dominant today as it was in his time. Nietzsche believed in values that separate the dominant from the weak: "Master Morality" and "Slave Morality." Master morality reveres all that is high, noble, courageous and strong. He wrote, "It is the proud states of soul which are considered distinguishing and determine the order of rank." The morality of slaves reveres all that is pitiful, humble, weak and ill constituted: "The cowardly, the timid, the petty and those who think only of narrow utility…Those who abase themselves. The dog-like type of man who lets himself be mistreated…"

According to Nietzsche, the latter has its perfect representation in Christianity, while the former finds its expression in the cultures of Greece, Rome, the mythology of the Norsemen and all conquering peoples. It was with the advent of Christianity that the inverse of the noble values became so predominant. This belief that we are all brothers, equal as one under the eyes of God; "turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor." Christianity helped to erect these false notions of equality and brotherhood; a plot by the "weak and the ill constituted" to prevent the birds of prey from continually carrying them off.

Regardless, though, the hierarchy is still in place. We see, even in this egalitarian milieu, the dominant God and the submissive flock; for within his new theology man can still not be separated from his true nature. Here, Christianity becomes yet another tool for the clever and the strong to keep the weak in submission. So, while on the surface of things, slave morality appears to be the norm-wailing for peace, goodwill and equal rights, the facsimile of these ideas will be handed to the people: but know that always, behind the curtain, the aristocracy shall rule and maintain order, all the while working for their own benefit and welfare.

So, what can Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy offer a person living today? Nietzsche's doctrine is a war against all that is weak and petty, a war against decadence, belief, "virtue," and the false notions of good versus evil. It is the battle cry for those natures that are so constituted, to take up the "sword" and return to a more noble existence; a "yes!" to life, this earth and all of its conflicts, trials and tribulations. It is a resounding "no!" to the squandering of life on pity, weakness and stupidity. There are leaders and there are servants: which are you?

© Vadge Moore / DISCRIMINATE MEDIA, 2008