Infernal Initiations:
The Role of the Fallen & the Balance of Good & Evil
(Dagobert's Revenge, 2001)

1. The Archetype of the Disobedient God

Merovee, the father of the Merovingians was, as we know, sired by a half bull, half fish creature known as the Quinotaur. If we trace this legend back to Ancient Sumeria we are confronted with a disobedient God named Enki. Enki was a God of the waters and is some times depicted as being part fish. The Gods in Sumeria were depicted as having great horns, the symbol of their Lordship. Here we have the Quinotaur beast represented by Enki all the way back to the first known civilization. While Tracy Twyman traces the Quinotaur back to Atlantis in her article "The Merovingian Mythos: It’s Symbolic Significance, and it’s Roots in the Ancient Kingdom of Atlantis", for the purposes of this article we will concentrate on Sumeria. Enki was known as a god of the waters as well as a god of the Southern Hemisphere, while his brother Enlil ruled over the Upper World. Enki was in constant competition with his brother. Here we see the beginning of the myth of the "war in Heaven". Both Enki and Enlil were sired by the most high Sumerian god, Anu. As brothers they fought constantly and in Egypt this war is mirrored in the myth of Set and Osiris. Enki has been credited with creating man, but when Enlil and the Assembly of Gods had decided to destroy man, Enki opposed the acts of the other Gods. I quote author Zecharia Sitchin:

"Take the story of the Deluge and the destruction of mankind and the saving of the seed of mankind, through Noah and his ark. Enlil decided to use the opportunity of the avalanche of water to destroy mankind, while Enki told Noah (the Sumerian Upa-napishtim) about what was coming. Enki taught Noah how to build an ark and cover and seal it so it wouldn’t be swamped, and Noah was able to take himself and his family and others, according to the Sumerians, into the ark and save the seed of mankind."

Of course we, at Dagobert’s Revenge would say; "and save the seed of the Royal Bloodline." Regardless, this is a story depicting a disobedient god who opposed the will of the other Gods by assisting humans. A similar theme is depicted in Egypt in the story of the gods Set and Osiris (who is sometimes depicted as Horus). Here are two Gods that are brothers, permanently at war with one another. One God, Set, is an infernal God. He has been banished to the south, beneath the earth. He, too, is known as a God of the waters or as "he who is below." In the Typhonian Tradition of occultist Kenneth Grant, Set is the prominent deity and is the dark twin of Osiris. Traditionally, according to the Qabalah, Osiris is represented on the Tree of Life by the sephiroth Tiphareth. According to the Typhonian Tradition there is a backside or dark side to the Tree of Life called the Tree of Death. The Tree of Death could also be said to reside beneath the Tree of Life. According to this tradition this is where the evil, notorious qliphoth reside. They are the denizens of the Tunnels of Set. The Tunnels of Set are the dark pathways that are the "evil" opposite of the pathways on the Light side of the Tree. This infernal region is the home of the Black Sun mirroring Tiphareth on the dayside and the home of Set. According to the Typhonian Tradition the qliphoth are not harmful to humanity as previously thought but actually lead the adept to a higher degree of initiation. Regardless, the qliphoth have always been considered baneful and dangerous to mankind, much like the Giants or the Nephilim that were sired by the Fallen Angels. As described in another article of mine there is a deep connection between this Typhonian Tradition and the Merovingian Mythos. The qliphoth may be harmful to most men but not the men of the Grail bloodline.

Nineteenth century occultist Madame Blavatsky says, in her book The Secret Doctrine, that Satan and the Fallen Angels, according to an ancient tradition, have been the benefactors of mankind from the very beginning. She even goes so far as to assert, along with the Gnostics, that they helped sire humanity, creating the earth and all material existence by their fall alone. Their descent into matter created the necessary energy for the forming of the material world. Blavatsky writes; "Were the Gnostics so wrong, after this, in affirming that this our visible world, and especially the Earth, had been created by lower angels, the inferior Elohim, of which, as they taught, the God of Israel was one." This concept of the Biblical god Jehovah actually being a "fallen" god himself I will get to later. The Book of Enoch is a text describing the visions of a pre-Diluvian patriarch named Enoch, the great grandfather of the biblical Noah. The book is a telling of the saga of the Fallen Angels who were banished to Earth for mating with the daughters of men. Blavatsky writes:

"The old doctrine about the true meaning of the ‘Fallen Angels,’ in its anthropological and evolutionary sense, is contained in the Kabala, and explains the Bible. …In Genesis the ‘Sons of God’-B’ne Aliem- become enamored of the daughters of men, marry, and reveal to their wives the mysteries unlawfully learnt by them in heaven, according to Enoch; and this is the ‘Fall of the Angels’ But what is, in reality, The Book of Enoch itself, from which the author of Revelation and even the St. John of the Fourth Gospel have so profusely quoted? Simply a Book of Initiation, giving out in allegory and cautious phraseology the programme of certain archaic mysteries performed in the inner temples. The author of the ‘Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and Quiches’ very justly suggests that the so-called ‘Visions’ of Enoch relate to his (Enoch’s) experience at initiation, and what he learned in the Mysteries."

This vision of the Fallen Angels initiates Enoch into the secret mysteries. Is it just a coincidence that Enoch’s great-grandson is Noah, who is saved by a "fallen" or disobedient god, Enki? Or that Enoch is believed to be the son of Cain? Is this another sign of the fallen gods helping out their bloodline, insuring its survival? Another exponent of the Fallen Angel theory is occult writer Julius Evola, author of Eros and the Mysteries of Love, The Yoga of Power, and Revolt Against the Modern World. Evola wrote an amazing book on the alchemical mysteries called The Hermetic Tradition. In it, he writes:

"Tertullian says that the ‘damned and worthless’ works of nature, the secrets of metals, the virtues of plants, the forces of magical conjurations, and ‘all those alien teachings that make up the science of the stars’ - that is to say, the whole corpus of the ancient magico-hermetic sciences-was revealed to men by the fallen angels. This idea appears in The Book of Enoch, wherein it is completed within the context of this most ancient tradition, betraying its own unilaterality to the religious interpretation. Merejkowski has shown that there is an apparent correspondence between the B’nai Elohim, the fallen angels who descended to Mount Hermon that are mentioned in The Book of Enoch, and the lineage of the Witnesses and the Watchers - (about whom we are told in The Book of Jubilees) and who came down to instruct humanity. In the same way Prometheus ‘taught mortals all the arts.’ Moreover, in Enoch, Azazel, ‘who seduced Eve,’ taught men the use of weapons that kill, which, metaphor aside, signifies that he had infused in men the warrior spirit. Here we can understand how the myth of the fall applies: the angels were seized with desire for ‘women.’ We have already explained what ‘woman’ means in connection with the tree and our interpretation is confirmed when we examine the Sanskrit word shakti, which used metaphysically to refer to ‘the wife’ of a god, his ‘consort,’ and at the same time to his power."

Here "women" has two meanings. One is the biological, sexual being and the other meaning is "power." Obviously the Fallen Angels would gain power by mating with women, creating a new race of beings. This is exactly what they did. I quote another relevant passage from Evola:

"These angels were prey to the desire for power and, in ‘mating,’ fell - descended to earth - onto an elevated place (Mount Hermon). From this union were born the Nephilim, a powerful race (the Titans- says Giza Papyrus) , allegorically described as ‘giants’ but whose supernatural nature remains to be discovered in The Book of Enoch: ‘They need neither food, nor do they thirst and they evade [physical] perception.

"The Nephilim, the ‘fallen’ angels are nothing less than the titans and ‘the watchers,’ the race that the Book of Baruch calls, ‘glorious and war like,’ the same race that awoke in men the spirit of the heroes and warriors, who invented the arts and who transmitted the mystery of magic What more decisive proof concerning the spirit of the hermetico-alchemical tradition can there be than the explicit and continuous reference in the texts precisely to that tradition? We read in the hermetic literature: ‘The ancient and sacred books,’ says Hermes, ‘teach that certain angels burned with desire for women. They descended to earth and taught all the works of Nature. They were the ones who created the [hermetic] works and from them proceeds the primordial tradition of this Art.’ The very word chemi, from chema, from which derive the words alchemy and chemistry, appears for the first time in a papyrus of the Twelfth Dynasty, referring to a tradition of just this kind."

2. Demon Est Deus Inversus

The Merovingians were believed to have magical powers and were considered to be great warriors and heroes. The occult tradition that is associated with them is exactly this hermetico-alchemical tradition mentioned above. This tradition is opposed to the dualistic viewpoint. Contrary to there being a separation between Heaven and Earth, the existence of the Fallen Angels is the connection between the two. They are the connection on earth to the celestial abode. The Fallen teach this race of men the magical arts, how to create civilizations, and how to go to war. Also told is the altering of the race by the insertion, so to speak, of superior DNA. The Sumerians, as we know, were very particular about not breeding outside of their own kind. This would create a bloodline that could remain pure for a very long time. In this hermetico-alchemical tradition there is a very prominent belief in the balance between the Divine and the Infernal. One cannot exist without the other. Blavatsky repeats this numerous times. It is represented by the sentence "DEMON EST DEUS INVERSUS." This can be translated as "Demon is God Inverted." Blavatsky writes:

"That which the student will do well to remember is that, with every people except the Christian nations, the Devil is to this day no worse an entity than the opposite aspect in the dual nature of the so-called Creator. This is only natural. One cannot claim God as the synthesis of the whole universe, as omnipresent and omniscient and infinite, and then divorce him from evil."

Blavatsky even equates the biblical god Jehovah with the Gnostic god Abraxas. Abraxas was believed to contain both God and Devil in the same being. Both Jehovah and Abraxas combine elements of good and evil, creation and destruction, hatred and love. In her book The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky reveals that Jehovah and Satan are the same being, just different aspects. She also says that Cain and Jehovah are the same being. Blavatsky states: "The ‘Lord God,’ or Jehovah, is Cain esoterically, and the ‘tempting serpent’ as well, the male portion of the androgynous Eve, before her ‘Fall;’ the female portion of Adam Kadmon; the left side or Binah of the right side Chochmah in the first Sephirothal Triad [of the Qabalah]." Christ is seen, by Blavatsky, as the serpent in the Garden of Eden; revealing the secrets of magic and the knowledge of good and evil. Did Christ not say "Be ye wise as serpents"? Enki, too, is associated with serpent symbolism. Zecharia Sitchin writes that, "The possibility that the biblical antagonists - the Deity and the Serpent - stood for Enlil and Enki seems to us entirely plausible." Christ, as depicted in the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas is actually a Gnostic adept helping to initiate others. According to most occultists this is the purpose the serpent serves. It even says in Genesis that God made the light and the darkness, and created the serpent in the Garden. Lucifer himself sat beside God as his favorite angel. If Jehovah created all he most certainly created evil. He is like Abraxas, encompassing God and Devil, good and evil.

Certain Gnostic sects saw Jehovah not as a "good" god but as an "evil" god. Jehovah to them was the Demiurge that has created our material world. The real God is far away from this world and does not even concern himself with us. These Gnostics believed that they had to completely reject our material world, to reject the evil creator of this world: Jehovah, the Demiurge. They were striving for perfection to become pure spirit and unite with their far-away God. These sects even went so far as to do the opposite of whatever the Bible deemed to be virtuous. This included fornication, adultery, thievery, and even murder. It was believed that any complete rejection of Jehovah’s laws would weaken the god and his reign. These Gnostics also would revere in the Bible all those persons that were persecuted by the God. Here it is shown that even the great Jehovah can be seen in an entirely different light, as one of the Fallen Angels.

At the beginning of this article I wrote of the Sumerian Gods Enki, Enlil and their superior God called Anu. In Egypt this is mirrored by the Gods Set , Osiris, and the higher God Ra. In some Gnostic myths this is represented by Satan, Jehovah and the Unknown God. We find this myth cycle repeated over and over again throughout history. It is our goal to decipher these myth patterns and to comprehend their meaning. It has been shown elsewhere in this publication how this relates to the Bloodline of the Grail and supports the Divine Right of Kings. The Royal Blood or Sangraal was sired by one of the first Kings or Gods, Enki. Seeing as how those that are associated with the Grail are always considered to be a bit dark and heretical it should not come as a surprise that this great Bloodline would have been sired by the first "devil." But, one must not forget that Enki carries in his blood the blood of his father and hence his brother Enlil, thus completing the balance that the Hermetic doctrine is based on.

© Vadge Moore / DISCRIMINATE MEDIA, 2007